
Call for workshop proposals at ECAI 2012


ECAI, the biennial European Conference on Artificial Intelligence organized by the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI), is the premier forum for presenting Artificial Intelligence results in Europe. The twentieth conference in this series, ECAI 2012, will take place in the beautiful city of Montpellier (France) August 27-31.

ECAI 2012 will gather researchers and practitioners of Artificial Intelligence from all over the world; they will present the latest results and identify new trends and challenges in all subfields of Artificial Intelligence as well as demonstrate innovative
applications and uses of advanced Artificial Intelligence technology. In addition to the main technical track, the ECAI 2012 program will feature keynote and invited talks, invited tutorials, an elaborate workshop program, and a system-demonstration track.

Call for Workshops

All workshop proposals are welcome on any topic related to AI, ranging from robotics to games, from knowledge modelling to reasoning to constraints, from machine learning to planning and scheduling, from uncertainty to perception to language, from multi-agents to interactions and user modelling (non-exhaustive list).

The goal of the workshops is to provide an informal forum for researchers to discuss focused and/or emerging research questions and challenges. Workshops can come in several flavors:

  • presentations of peer-reviewed papers (standard workshop format), including discussions and possibly panels;
  • AI competitions or challenges;
  • Position papers and discussion on open or controversial problems.
  • any other format aimed at investigating new AI trends.
What a workshop should *not* be: a mini-conference packed with short talks and with no time for discussion and interaction. We therefore encourage workshop organizers to include invited talks, short tutorials, panel-discussions and representation of alternative viewpoints in their workshop program in addition to the regular submissions.

The typical duration for a workshop is one day; two-day workshops can also be accommodated.

For any question, any intention to submit, please contact Jérôme Lang and Michèle Sebag (lang at, sebag at

The deadline for workshop proposals is January 6, 2012.


6 Jan 2012 workshop proposals due (early submissions are welcome!)
1 Feb 2012 workshop proposal notifications sent
19 Feb 2012 1st call for papers sent; workshop websites ready; announcement of all ECAI-2012 workshops at the main conference site
28 May 2012 (suggested) workshop paper submission deadline
28 Jun 2012 (suggested, and subject to modification) notification on workshop paper submissions
22 Jul 2012 workshop proceedings to be sent to workshop chair

Notes that the workshop submission deadline should preferably take place after ECAI notification (21 May 2012) and workshop paper notifications *must* be sent before the ECAI early registration deadline (TBA).

Submission details

Please submit your proposal at

Each workshop proposal (pdf file) must include:
(1) Title and acronym.

(2) Names, affiliations, and contact details of all organizers (please indicate a primary contact person to whom correspondence should be directed).

(3) Short description (workshop format and duration, tentative call for papers, tentative invited speakers and members of the program committee).

(4) Audience: research groups working in the field; (if applicable) details about previous editions of the workshop; related workshops in other venues; expected number of submissions.

(5) One paragraph about each organizer (scientific profile, previous events you have organized).

(6) Every information you deem to be relevant.

List 2010

Collaborateur(s) de cette page: sebag .
Page dernièrement modifiée le Vendredi 09 décembre 2011 10:06:22 CET par sebag.