
Fourth Franco-Japanese Workshop

Fourth Franco Japanese Workshop ISIP (Information Search, Integration and Personnalization)

A CNRS-JST cooperation between Hokkaido University and the Paris-Sud University started in 2007, continuing a long collaboration between the two universities. The first workshop of this series took place in Sapporo, in 2003, and was followed by the second workshop in Lyon, in 2005 and the third, again in Sapporo, in 2007. This fourth workshop will take place in Paris and will be centered on the Web of Objects.


The workshop will take place at the Tour Montparnasse, October 6-8.


Pr. Yuzuru Tanaka slides missing

Pr. Nicolas Spyratos slides

Pr. Akihito Takano slides

Pr. Michel de Rougemont slides

Pr. Koichi Furukawa slides

Pr. Michele Sebag slides

Pr. Jean-Daniel Fekete slides

Pr. Mohand Hacid Said slides

Pr. Carlos Meghini slides

Dr. Shin-ichi Minato slides

Dr. Masaharu Yoshioka slides

Dr. Takuya Kida slides

Dr Tsuyoshi Sugibuchi slides

Ms Yu Asano slides

Mr Hajime Imura slides

Mr. D. Lkhamsuren slides

Collaborateur(s) de cette page: sebag et Spyratos .
Page dernièrement modifiée le Vendredi 23 janvier 2009 08:37:19 CET par sebag.