Usual contributors:
Philippe Rolet, Jean-Baptiste Hoock, Arpad Rimmel, Lou Fédon, Romaric Gaudel, Olivier Teytaud, Cyril Furthlener
What we are working on:
- Optimal decision under uncertainty
- application to MoGo
- Perhaps in the future, energy management
- other applications of UCT:
- Active Learning (Philippe Rolet)
- Non-linear Optimization (Anne Auger, Olivier Teytaud)
- Combinatorial Optimization (Cyril Furthlener, Arpad Rimmel)
- Learning on sequential data (Lou Fédon)
- Hidden Markov Models
- Recurrent Neural Networks
- Modifying the database of examples (Romaric Gaudel)
A nice game won by mogo in Portland, 2008: