Conseils pour une présentation - Recommendations for giving a talk

Recommendations for writing a short report

Conseils pour écrire un article

Conseils pour écrire une thèse - PhD Writing

Typical errors of French speaking people

We asked to the user We asked the user
the experimental protocol the experimental setting; methodology
This fact allows to plan ... This fact allows one to
The reason of the error rests unknown The reason for the error remains unknown
The key interests of X for Y X is considered an enabling technology for Y, due to its ability ...
At first Firstly (At first correspond à "A premiere vue")
More than 40 parameters A few dozen parameters; or, 43 parameters (be precise)
Set to default set to the default value
Apparently to some limit jamais dire ca
coherent consistent
a possible explanation a tentative interpretation
a question relative to a question related to; relatively to