European Projects


  • N/A. None


  • EGI-InsPIRE, Collaborative Project and Coordination and Support Action (CP-CSA) involving 40 partners in Europe and 8 more worldwide. 33K€. Starting May 2010.
  • CITINES, Design of a decision support tool for sustainable, reliable and cost-effective energy strategies in cities and industrial complexes, Descritpion Of Work CitInES. 84K€. (October 2011-March 2014).
  • SYMBRION, , Symbiotic Evolutionary Robot Organisms. FP7 European Integrated Project, aiming toward an open-ended evolution of swarms of self-assembling robots, SYMBRION Description of Work. Amount 420K€.(February 2008-July 2013).
  • Network of Excellence PASCAL: Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning. FP7 Network of Excellence, PASCAL2 Description of Work (March 2008- February 2013).
  • MASH: Massive Sets of Heuristics. FP7 STREP. Amount 394K€.(October 2010-June 2013)
  • Coordination Action KD-Ubiq: Ubiquitous Knowledge Discovery
  • STREP EvoTest: Evolutionary algorithms for automated Test case generation and execution for complex software system testing. (Sept.2006 - Aug.2009).
  • STREP GENNETEC: GENetic NETworks: Emergence and Complexity.(Sept.2006 - Aug.2009).
  • Coordination Action ONCE-CS: Open Network of Centres of Excellence in Complex Systems. (Nov.2005 - Apr.2008).



  • ADAMme (FSN), Calcul intensif et simulation numérique. Amount 258,3€.(January 2016 - December 2017).
  • NUMBBO, Analysis, Improvement and Evaluation of Numerical Blackbox Optimizers, Description of Work NUMBBO. Amount 289K€. (Oct.2012 - Sept.2016).
  • LOGIMA, Logics, structural representations, mathematical morphology and uncertainty for semantic interpretation of images and videos. Amount 136K€.(Oct.2012 - Sept.2016).
  • TIMCO, Technology for In Memory Computing. A NUMA architecture with very large memory. Amount 432K€.(Juin 2012 - Mai 2015 extended until Nov.2015).
  • UP-Sud MRM, Under the Moyens de Recherche Mutualis\'es continued program, this grant funds hardware and software development for the Grid Observatory initiative.(2010-2015)


  • SIMINOLE, Méthodes de simulations pour des applications de grande échelle en physique expérimentale: inférence statistique, optimisation et apprentissage discriminant. Amount 222K€. (Oct.2010 - Sept.2014, extended until Mar.2015).
  • DESCARWIN, Planification Evolutionnaire, Evolutionary Planing, Description Of Work DESCARWIN. Amount 201K€. (Dec. 2009 - June 2013).
  • IOMCA, Including Ontologies in Monte-Carlo Tree Search with Applications, Description Of Project. Amount 128K€.(Jan.2010 - Apr.2013).
  • ASAP, Amount 178K€. (Nov.2009 - Apr.2013).
  • TRAVESTI, Estimation du volume de Trafic par Inférence Spatio-temporelle. Amount 206K€.(Jan. 2009 - June 2012).
  • SYDINMALAS, Découverte Symbolique et Apprentissage Numérique pour la Conception de Controleurs de Robots en Essaim; Integrating Symbolic Discovery with Numerical Machine Learning for Autonomous Swarm Control, Programme Scientifique SYDINMALAS. Amount 158K€.(Jan. 2009 - June 2012).
  • OMD2, Optimisation Multi Disciplinaire Distribuée, Programme Scientifique OMD2. Amount 132K€.(Jan. 2009 - June 2012).
  • EXPLORA, EXPLOitation pour l'Allocation efficace de Ressources; involved in the Monte-Carlo Tree Search part of the project, and also made applications of techniques developed by other partners to fundamental AI tasks such as principled genetic programming and formally analyzed noisy optimization in continuous domains (2010-2012).

Industrial Research Contracts (including CIFRE PhD fundings)


  • CIFRE RTE (Réseau de transport d'électricité). PhD of Benjamin DONNOT on Optimisation et Machine Learning pou les parades en réseaux électriques. Amount 72 K€. (Starting Apr. 2016-...)
  • E-LUCID, Electronic Local but Universal Computer Intrusion Detection system. Joint work with Thales Communications & Security, Inria and Amossys, funded by BPI France. Amount 197 K€. (Starting August 2014 -...)
  • IDEX ISN (Institut Société Numérique). PhD of Thomas SCHMITT on A Collaborative Filtering Approach to Matching Job Openings and Job Seekers. Amount 102 K€. (Starting Oct. 2014-...)
  • IDEX CDS (Code Consolidator). Post-Doc of Gaetan MARCEAU CARON on Riemannian framework for Deep Learning. Amount 13 K€. (Starting Oct. 2015-...)
  • POST, Platform for the optimization and simulation of trans-continental grids. This joint work with Artelys, funded by Ademe, is the main purpose of the Tao-Uct-Sig special interest group Amount 1,2M€. (Starting July 2013-...)
  • CIFRE TRT (Thales). PhD of Nacim BELKHIR on Estimation de modèles de comportement pour le paramétrage adaptif en ligne métaheuristiques. Amount 30 K€. (Starting Apr.2014-...)


  • I-Lab METIS, A general framework for decision making with uncertainty plus energy-specific applications, annexe technique I-LAB - ARTELYS-INRIA.Amount 40K€.(Sept. 2011 - Aug.2014).
  • MODYRUM, Modélisation Dynamique d'un Réseau Médiatique, Annexe Technique MODYRUM. Amount 150K€. (February 2013-January 2015)
  • THALES, Gaëtan Marceau, Evolutionary Air Traffic Control, Annexe Technique CIFRE THALES, Amount 45K€.(Starting May 2011-May 2014)
  • EXQIM, Moez Hammami, Traitement de données financières hautes fréquences : exploration de méthodes d'induction constructive à grande échelle, Annexe Technique CIFRE EXQIM. Amount 45K€. (Feb. 2011 - Sept.2013)
  • IFP, Institut Francais du Petrole, Zyed Bouzarkouna, Optimal placement of Wells using Evolutionary Computation. (Janv.2009-Janv.2012)
  • PSA, Mouadh Yagoubi, Multi-objective optimization of the combustion in a diesel engine. (Feb.2009-Feb.2012)
  • THALES, Jacques Bibaï, Evolutionary Temporal Planning (Oct. 2007 - Sept. 2010)
  • RENAULT, Claire Le Baron Phd (Oct. 2005 - Sept. 2008)
  • EADS, Stéphane D'Escrivan internship (April-November 2004).
  • ECZT, Alexandre Devert Phd (Dec. 2005 - Dec. 2006)
  • SNCF, Yann Semet (Dec. 2003 - June 2006).
  • Renault, Eduardo Munoz internship (April-July 2006).
  • IFP, Vijay Pratap Singh PhD thesis (Nov. 2003 - Dec. 2006).

National Research Projects - Actions Concertées Incitatives

  • ACI Masse de Données ACCAMBA, Bio-informatics and relational learning, (2005-2008), headed by Gilles Bisson, IMAG - Grenoble.
  • ACI New Mathematical Interfaces, Chromalgema (2003-2007), headed by F. James, Université d'Orléans.
  • ACI New Mathematical Interfaces, Mistr, (2004-2007), headed by J.-M. Loubes, Mathematics lab, Université Paris-Sud.
  • ACI New Mathematical Interfaces, molecular chemistry (2004-2007), headed by Claude LeBris, Mathematics lab, Université Paris-Sud.
  • ACI New Mathematical Interfaces, Neurodyne (2003-2006), headed by Sylvain Baillet, LENA, La Pitié Salpétrière.
  • Robea, AAA, headed by Marc Schoenauer, coll. LIMSI-Perception Située, Nicolas Godzik's PhD (2000-2005).
  • Indana Contract, headed by Marie-Christine Jaulent, INSERM, Hôpital Broussais.