Slide 2.

  • Personal diet recommendations toward better health and aging:
il faut lui trouver un nom: Food Guardian Angel ? FPF Food personal friend

  • Comprehensive socio-biological model of nutrition impacts: to understand, make acceptable recommendations, assess
  • World-level players in Biology, Sociology, Nutrition, Economics, Food Science, Big Data
  • With agile support in mobile devices (start-ups)

Food and Health Institute (FAHI) U. PSaclay
Wealth of data on nutrition, health, food substituability, usage.

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Current policy:
  • population-level recommendations (eat 5 vegetables); cost effective but poor efficiency on some population segments
  • focus on risk: more effective, more expensive

Nutriperso claims:
  • Times is ripe for personal recommendations:
    • more risk-effective
    • can be made cost-effective through technological advances
  • Requires comprehensive biological, dietary, socio-economic and behavioral advances: to emit *useful and acceptable* recommendations.
  • Tailored early assessment of health risk is achievable

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Test on --> Operational validation for T2 diabetes prevention

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microbiota plus en avant

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Tailoring dietary recommendations in view of efficiency/acceptability.

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Monitoring the health, social and economic impacts

  • Monitoring the usage
  • Health objective and subjective impacts
  • Cost/Benefit assessment along all relevant dimensions (health, economic, social, etc).

Slide 9

Nutrition is at the crossroad of socio-economic and biological features.
An integrated approach is mandatory for:
  • Modeling health risk at a personal level
  • Designing risk-effective recommendations
  • Investigate recommendation acceptability and finding the 'paths of least resistance’ for moving from current to healthier diets

Big data technologies (biological data, epidemio, consumption data) can support integrated advances.

Slide 12

The unprecedented data resources about nutrition and food subsituability will support innovation along two dimensions:
  • applications for health (diet; recipe adaptation,...)
  • gaming (contest about how long with no fries).

tester si on est allergique au gluten;