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Conferences reporting
1 person out of the people attending conferences have to give a 5-10min speech saying what the main ideas of the conference were, what they liked the most and where people can find the summaries of interesting papers. Other members of TAO are to browse through proceedings and can require details on specific papers.Planning
- November 4th :Joaquin Vanschoren:OpenML: Networked science in machine learning
- October 28th :Antoine Bureau: Bellmanian Bandit Network,Basile Mayeur: Direct Value Learning,Thomas Schmitt: Exploration / exploitation: a free energy-based criterion.
- October 14th : Holger Hoos (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada)From Stochastic Search to Programming by Optimisation: My Quest for Automating the Design of High-Performance Algorithms (Slides)
- April 8th : Gilles Stoltz (GREGHEC: CNRS--HEC Paris): Comment tirer parti de l’embarras du choix face à plusieurs modèles de prévision concurrents
- March 28th : Xiangliang Zhang: Online Efficient Representation of Streaming Time Series
- March 25th : Sebastian Stich: Probabilistic Estimate Sequences
- March 11th : Yann Olivier, Lecture series on information theory for artificial intelligence
- February 18th : Ludovic Denoyer, Budgeted Machine Learning for Large Scale Heterogeneous Data
- February 11th : Yann Olivier, Lecture series on information theory for artificial intelligence
- February 4th : Balasz Kegl, Sequential prediction: from budgeted learning to sparse coding
- January 7th : Yann Olivier, Lecture series on information theory for artificial intelligence
- December 17th:Grigori Fursin (Grand-Large, INRIA et LRI), Collective Mind Framework: systematizing and crowdsourcing multi-objective auto-tuningPresentation_Fursin.pdf
- December 10th Vincent Berthier, Daria Rocca, BCI and EEG. Berthier.pdfSlides20131210.pdf
- December 3rd Blaise Hanczar, Classification with reject option.
- November 26th : Yann Olivier, Lecture series on information theory for artificial intelligence
- November 15th (FRIDAY): Rémi Bardenet, Towards scaling up MCMC: a subsampling approach
- November 6th 11:00: Raphael Féraud (Orange), Exploration and Exploitation of Scratch Games
- November 5th : Yann Olivier, Lecture series on information theory for artificial intelligence
- October 29th : Bill Langdon (CREST-UCLondon), Genetic Improvement of GPU code
- August 27th : Luigi Malago, Natural Gradient, Fitness Modelling and Model Selection
- July 16th : Adrien Couëtoux, Continuous MCTS for hydroelectric scheduling
- July 2nd : Manuel Loth, BaSCoP: Bandit-based Search for Constraint Programming.
- June 25th : Ludovic Arnold PhD Defense, Learning Deep Representation
- June 13th (THURSDAY) : Mustafa Misir, an approach to algorithm selection inspired from collaborative filtering
- June 4th : Florence d'Alché-Buc, Network inference with operator-valued kernels-based models
- May 28th : Ludovic Denoyer, Learning with Relational Data: Sequential Models and Propagation Models for Structured Classification and Labeling
- May 21th 14:30: Ludovic Arnold, Optimal Layer-Wise Training of Deep Generative Models
- May 7th 14:30: Susan Epstein (City U. of NY), Discovery of Complex Relations for Real-world Problems
- May 3rd (FRIDAY) 14:30: Jérémie Lumbroso (LIP6) UPMC (Paris 6)
- May 2nd (THURSDAY) 14:30: Vincent Vigneron (IBISC) Université d'Evry
- April 30th 14:30: Cristina Manfredotti, LIP6 UPMC, Relational Inference and Learning for Complex Recognition Tasks
- April 25th (THURSDAY) 14:30: Isabelle Guyon, The Cause-effect Pairs Challenge
- April 23th 14:30: Marco Bressan, Sorting and Ranking: Two Unrelated Talks
- April 16th 11:00: Martin Pilat, Distance-based surrogate models for multi-objective optimization
- March 5th 14:00: Emanuel Aldea, Statistical learning applications to low-level and high-level robotic vision
- February 27th (WEDNESDAY) 14:30: Daniel Roggen, ETH Zurich, (, Human activity recognition. Opportunistic, collective, crowd-sourced
- February 19th 14:30: Gildas Jeantet