

February, Tuesday 27th

14:30 (room 2014, 'Digiteo Shannon' 660 building) (see location)

Wendy Mackay and her team

(INRIA/LRI ExSitu team)

Title: Human-Computer Partnerships: Leveraging machine learning to empower human users


Machine learning researchers often refer to the “human-in-the-loop”, which treats human performance input to an algorithm. By contrast, Human-Computer Interaction researchers focus on designing for the user experience with the computer, more like the “computer-in-the-loop". We are exploring a mix of the two, what we call human-computer partnerships, which takes advantage of machine learning but leaves the user in control. Members of the ExSitu group will describe various projects that illustrate our approach to making interactive systems that are discoverable, appropriable and expressive for their human users.

Contact: guillaume.charpiat at inria.fr
All TAU seminars: here

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Page dernièrement modifiée le Vendredi 23 février 2018 15:58:24 CET par guillaume.